Harry Potter. Siapa cobak yang tidak kenal dengan Harry Potter???
Filmnya sudah mendunia. harry Potter mempunya kekuatan magis yang sangat hebat, bukan kayak pak tarnok ya, di bantu ya, hahaha. game Harry Potter ini pasti sangat seru kalau sobat mainkan. Buruan mainkan sobat, nanti penasaran sama game ini, hehe. Ya udah langsung saja sobat download game ini di bawah dan langsung instal ya ke komputer atau laptop sobat. cekidot =>
3D Games | Adventure | RIP | 591.78 MB
System Requirements
- Operating System: Windows 95/98/2000/ME/XP
- Processor: 500 MHz @ Intel Pentium 3 or Higher
- Memory: 128 MB @ Minimum or Higher
- Video Graphic: 32 MB @ Minimum or Higher
- Sound: Windows Compatible Sound Card
Install Notes
- Open folder D2X-GAMES
- Install game with DAEMON Tools
- Insert serial number
- Copy file Game.exe to installation folder in the system folder
- Play the game
- Enjoy it!
PASSWORD: d2xgames.blogspot.com
>> Rachmat Setio <<
CAUTION: Before you try this game, it helps you conduct an examination of the virus in this game.
Because here I just tried a game and share them with you. I hope you can understand it. Thank you.
Because here I just tried a game and share them with you. I hope you can understand it. Thank you.
Uploader By D2X-GAMES
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